by JP Schweizer SA
Rue Baylon 8b
1207 Carouge
Geneva, Switzerland
T: +41 22 343 68 68
Light & Transparency © is a new & unique printing technology on window films, specifically conceived for large-scaled graphic creations.
Transparent ink is injected into the mass, conferring image an exceptional quality and more than 10 years durability.
The Capital Group wanted to separate the lunch area from the main offices in a subtle way. Our solution appeared to be ideal.
The large-scale birches forest printed on a transparent base looks like a contemporary stained glass, seamlessly integrated into the architectural concept of Allyn Dorey from M Moser Associates.
This astonishing result ally soothing atmosphere, sunlight effects, intimacy and perfect finish. Simpla.
by JP Schweizer SA
Rue Baylon 8b
1207 Carouge
Geneva, Switzerland
T: +41 22 343 68 68